Projeto Erasmus + "Cultures meet in Europe"
Desenvolvido pelo Colégio da Rochinha, como parceiro de cinco escolas de diferentes países europeus (Itália-Coordenador, Espanha, Irlanda do Norte, Austria e Turquia), visa a troca de partilha de boas práticas educativas, sociais e culturais junto das comunidades envolventes.
O objetivo Geral deste projeto visa a sensibilização para o reconhecimento e aceitação de diferentes culturas. A compreensão da riqueza e a diversidade trabalhada com os alunos pretende a aquisição de novas dimensões a nível educacional. Preconiza-se o fortalecimento das competências dos funcionários, professores e alunos a nível da colaboração internacional, comunicação, das aptidões digitais e da resolução de problemas.
As atividades centram-se na compreensão de valores, afim de aumentar a consciência dos alunos sobre si e os outros. As atividades deste projeto permitirão uma maior consciência dos alunos como atuais e futuros cidadãos europeus ativos.
A Capacidade de gerir a interculturalidade, a diversidade, os desafios e a divulgação do património cultural europeu assentarão na educação social, pessoal e económica, no desenvolvimento da integração social, nas competências de comunicação e nas aprendizagens ao longo da vida. Pretende-se a criação de novas dinâmicas a nível da organização escolar, assegurando a participação de toda a comunidade educacional no projeto Erasmus +.
Outro factor subjacente é a avaliação do património cultural como fonte de conhecimento, inspiração, dinamismo e riqueza pessoal e comunitário.
Trabalhos do 2º ano do 1º ciclo: as Lendas do nosso país
The Roses miracle
Queen Santa Isabel's most popular story is undoubtedly that of the miracle of roses. According to Portuguese legend, the queen left Sabugal Castle, in one winter morning, to distribute bread to the most disadvantaged. Surprised by the sovereign, who asked him where she was going and what she was carrying, the queen would have exclaimed, "They are roses, Lord!" Suspicious, D. Dinis (the king) asked, '' Roses in January? ''. D. Isabel then exposed the contents of the lap of her dress and there were roses in it, instead of the loaves she had hidden.
Santarém Conquest: the legend
When D. Afonso Henriques decided to take “Santarém” from the Moors, a knight of his trust, named Mem Ramires, was chosen. The initial strategy was for this knight to enter the fortress in disguise and spy on all the weak points to be taken into account in the attack.
Mem Ramires disguised himself as an ordinary Arab and entered the fortress, walking all over the city, seeing and hearing what mattered to make a successful assault.
After completing the task, he went to Coimbra, where D. Afonso was, and reported what he had seen.
In a morning of March 1147, a small number of warriors set out to carry out an audacious and secret plan. They set up the camp on the top of “Pernes”, where they waited for the night to fall.
In silence, the Christian warriors began the ambush Mem Ramires, by saying that he had to be the first to enter the city of Santarém.
They launched a rope with a hook, which was attached to one of the merlons of the walls, and twenty-five equestrians went up. Mem Ramires, as promised, was the first to achieve the goal.
There was fierce fighting, but the Christians won over Moorish defenders.
When the morning of March 14, 1147 dawned, the castle was taken.
The stone soup:
One day a poor and hungry friar, who was on a pilgrimage on the sides of Almeirim, came to a village and knocked on the door of some old men. As he was too proud to ask for a meal, he showed the house owner a stone and said he wanted to make a soup with it. To prepare it he would only need a pot and a little water.
The owners of the house, incredulous, asked,
- With that stone? We want to see that.
That was what the friar wanted to hear…
They let him in and gave him the pot. He put it on the stove with the stone inside. When the owner of the house asked if he needed anything else, he said that it was necessary to season the soup and for that, he should take a drizzle of oil.
The woman offered him, a little salt along with the oil to which the friar replied that the seasoning would get better with a little bit of bacon.
Later he said he needed something to thicken the stone soup, like potatoes or leftover beans from other meals.
And so, the soup was thickenedThen, the friar asked for add a little more color in the soup.
The hosts got him some meat, then sausages, spark, coriander, ...
After a short while, the stone soup boiled and a wonderful aroma began to be felt in the area.
After the meal, the old man, was suspicious when he saw the stone at the bottom of the pot and questioned the friar:
- What about the stone?
The friar replied with an artful smile:
- The rock? Now, I'm going to clean the stone, and it will serve to make the next meal.
Primeira mobilidade do projeto Cultures meet in Europe, a Nilufer, Bursa, Turquia
E-book - Culture meet in Europe
Na impossibilidade de estarmos juntos presencialmente, alunos e professores dos 6 países que trabalham no projeto Erasmus +, Cultures meet in Europe, elaboraram uma história em trabalho colaborativo à distância.
O resultado está representado neste e-book que partilhamos convosco.
Clique na imagem para explorar.
Click on the image to explore the e-book.
Dictionary Erasmus +
Dicionário com palavras dos 6 países que trabalham no projeto Erasmus +, Cultures meet in Europe.
O resultado está representado neste e-book que partilhamos convosco.
Clique na imagem para explorar.
Click on the image to explore the e-book.
eTwinning Quality Label
Colégio da Rochinha is awarded with the Quality Label for the project: Cultures meet in Europe